Robert Jaffe, Founder, BSME, MBA, USGTF

Robert Jaffe has implemented Vendor Payment Optimization strategies in more than 100 P2P functions in middle market companies to Fortune 100 multinationals for 25 years. He brings significant experience in implementing VPO in SAP, Oracle and home grown systems.

Prior to founding VPO Services LLC, he served in executive positions at RSM McGladrey, Chase and NatWest Banks, with responsibility in cash management consulting. He pioneered in development of cash conversion cycle and banking services cost comparison computer models.

Robert has presented VPO at the CFO, IFO, IOFM, NAPP, AFP, AMA and FEI conferences. His articles have appeared in Controller Report, Treasury and Risk, The Accounts Payable Network and Business Credit magazines.

Conference Speaking Engagements

  • “Don’t Leave Money on the Table-Strategies To Get More Discounts and DPO” IOFM Conference
  • “How A New Working Capital Strategy Paid Off For Campbell’s” IOFM Conference
  • “Case Study: Hit a Working Capital Home Run!” IFO Fusion Conference
  • “Maximizing Working Capital through Vendor Payment Optimization” IOMA/IOFM’s 10th Anniversary
  • “Negotiating to Better Terms with the Harvard ‘7 Element’ Method” IAPP Fusion Conference
  • “Cash is King: Are You Maximizing and Protecting It?” CFO Rising Conference