Let an Opportunity Analysis Do the Work for You

An Opportunity Analysis digs deeply and widely through actual payment data to yield reliable discount, DPO, working capital and rebate projections, and determine the most fruitful accounts payable and procurement strategies to implement. Each opportunity is quantified and backed up with proof of concept. The analysis :

  • Establishes where discounts, DPO, working capital and rebates stand, compared to what can be achieved
  • Projects increased DPO or discounts for up to 14 strategies benchmarked over 25 years across multiple industries
  • Immediately corrects DPO and discount losses caused by counter-to-policy actions unearthed in the analysis
  • Recommends strategies to permanently sustain increased discounts and DPO while preserving supplier relationships
  • Delivers corroborated findings in an extensive executive PowerPoint presentation
  • Provides a plan for how to sequence implementation of strategies for quick hits and motivates A/P, Procurement and Systems support
  • Precipitates Leadership’s approval for implementation, based on reliable projections and common sense strategies

For a complimentary Opportunity Analysis proposal contact us.